Colin is a highly experienced financial management consultant. He has held a number of senior leadership roles in his career, including CFO of Housing New Zealand (now Kaianga Ora).

Colin specialises in advising clients on investment cases using the government’s Better Business Case methodology. He has extensive costing, project accounting and financial modelling experience. His strength is in pulling data together, reporting and using his extensive knowledge and understanding to derive fact-based analysis.

Colin’s commercial experience enables him to critically appraise business proposals, spend analysis, supply chain analysis and undertake comprehensive due diligence reviews of suppliers.

Colin enjoys translating complex information in a clear and concise manner to inform a wide range of stakeholders.

Professional Industry Memberships
Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand
Risk New Zealand

Professional Qualifications
Master of Business Studies (Hons)
Diploma Business Studies

Mobile 027 232 1111
Email c[email protected]

AoG Job Level Level 4