Silke has extensive government experience working in policy development, design and implementation. Silke is highly skilled in policy, regulatory design and advice, research and analysis, public consultation and engagement, including private sector engagements and partnerships.

Silke’s commercial insight enables her to define policy problems, consider both regulatory and non-regulatory solutions, present impacts of those solutions, and help efficiently implement new policy and programmes. She has previously led the New Zealand government’s policy in complex subjects such as intellectual property.

Silke’s international perspective has assisted government agencies, such as Trade and Enterprise and Immigration New Zealand to shape their policies and programmes to grow New Zealand’s economy (especially in the digital and viticulture sectors).

She actively participated in the negotiation of bilateral and multilateral key trade agreements (China, AANZFTA, Korea, TPP), and repeatedly represented New Zealand’s position at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (Geneva). Silke has an excellent understanding of the processes involved and the potential impact of international agreements in relation to any domestic policy.

Professional Qualifications
Master of Laws, Victoria University Wellington (First Class Honours)
Second State Examination in Law, Germany (Master degree)
First State Examination in Law, Germany (Bachelor degree)

Mobile 021 584 107
Email [email protected]

AoG Job Level Level 4