Peter is a strong facilitator and consultant, especially in complex multi-organisational programmes. He has worked with formal and informal joint ventures – in central and local government, iwi, corporates and the community sector – helping diverse organisations to commit to a shared kaupapa (vision) and tukanga (process or pathway). He has secured significant and sustained funding for complex programmes in central and local government and the community sector. He has extensive networks and sector knowledge in social and environmental sectors.

Business change

Peter is a successful programme planner, implementer and change agent. He has planned, salvaged, delivered and evaluated a wide variety of programmes, often under pressured and fluid circumstances.

He is able to translate complex information into clear, compelling business cases and programme plans to secure resources and set up projects for success. He brings extensive assurance and performance improvement skills to find the facts, check feasibility and assess risk. He then works with leaders and teams to systematically build capability and lift performance.

Examples include:

  • Working with MPI, Ngati Porou and Gisborne District Council to scope implementation of a complex Treaty Settlement commitment, secure resourcing and establish long-term (100 year) governance processes.
  • Scoping the establishment of Predator Free 2050 to secure government and private sector funding for a joint public-private – iwi – community model of conservation management.
  • Helping a major NGO to create long-term, sustainable funding streams for innovative, high-impact services. He helped regional and local leaders get out of the weeds’ and dream bolder dreams for their clients and communities. He helped the organisation to change operating models and secure significant long-term funding. This included mid-term social responses to COVID19.
  • Translating high-level freshwater policy into an inter-agency programme management processes, processes and results across six central government agencies.

Operations and risk management

Peter brings extensive assurance and performance improvement skills to find the facts, check feasibility and assess risk.  He works with leaders and teams to systematically build capability and lift performance.

Examples include:

  • Reviewing the operating model of an Agri sector recycling programme. This resulted in a new commercial and operational model, and helped the programme take a more strategic approach to rural waste management. Agri sector groups are better placed to be proactive actors shaping solutions, rather than passive recipients of regulatory controls.
  • Evaluating the first phase of the Kauri Dieback Programme. The programme included MPI, DoC, 4 regional councils, a Tāngata Whenua Rōpū and science organisations. The review identified the critical issues, helped the participating organisations take a more united, strategic approach, and accelerate implementation. It was a key factor in securing an additional $25.7M (over 4 years).

Professional Qualifications
Bachelor of Engineering

Mobile 027 441 5494
Email [email protected]

AoG Job Level Level 5