Roger is a leader in New Zealand’s energy and infrastructure space. Roger is an internationally recognised expert on infrastructure resilience. He is Chair of the New Zealand Lifelines (Utilities) Council and is Chair of the Landslides National Advisory Group. Roger is a Civil Engineer and Fellow of Engineering New Zealand.

Roger has led significant policy programmes across infrastructure, natural hazards, national risks and resilience. His focus areas include:

  • Legislation development and machinery of Government, e.g. Biofuels Grants Scheme, petrol pricing, New Zealand’s Energy Outlook to 2030.
  • Māori and pacific peoples policy (including Treaty of Waitangi), mainly related to renewable energy e.g. MFAT renewable energy initiatives across Tuvalu, Cook Islands, Samoa and PNG.
  • Policy, research and development programme and project management, e.g. Treasury National Infrastructure Unit lead on infrastructure research.
  • Energy policy research and development, Samoa Energy Sector Plan 2012-15
  • Research services, working with universities, CRI’s and others on applied research and linking research with practice.
  • Policy, research and development strategy – advice, development and review

Roger has significant finance and economics experience covers:

  • Leadership of the government’s Energy Information and Modelling Team within the Ministry of Economic Development
  •  Appraisal of investment proposals following the Canterbury earthquakes for DPMC and others.
  • Economic analysis and modelling for Electricity Corporation and Meridian Energy.

Professional Industry Memberships
Fellow Engineering New Zealand

Professional Qualifications
Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)(Hons)

Mobile 027 645 6225
[email protected]

AoG Job Level Level 5